Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My first post.....

Well, this blogging this seems to be where it's at, so here I am! I have no idea how often I'll post and you'll never know what I might be talking about, hence the title. I haven't read many blogs and I've never journaled much so who knows what wonderful tidbits of information might flow from my fingertips.

A little about me - I am just your average Southern woman. I work full time. I have no children, at least not yet! I have been married for almost 7 years to Tim, the most wonderful man in the world. At the present moment, we have three adorable cats, Sammy, Scooter, and Sasha. You may see me talk about them from time to time because until I have a human baby, they are my children. I am a paralegal at a small law office in Asheville. The attorney I work for is a sole practitioner and is awesome to work for. I love my job! Tim is the coordinator of faith formation for K - 12 in our church, but the bills are paid by his "real" full time job as an account manager for an insurance agency.

We are Roman Catholic and are very active in our parish, St. Joan of Arc. We are in the process of building a new facility and that is keeping me very busy. I am on the building committee and the chairman of the interiors committee. We are getting ready to start the Renew program, Why Catholic?, and I am the team leader for that undertaking as well as being the adult faith formation coordinator for the parish. For some strange reason, I just can't seem to figure out how to say no! I am also the Regent for Catholic Daughters of the America's Court St. Joan of Arc. Even though I am Catholic, don't assume that I always agree with the views of the church. Contrary to popular belief, you CAN be Catholic and no always agree with the Pope!

I also just had gastric bypass surgery one month ago tomorrow. If you read my musings, there will probably be lots of talk about that subject since it is a day to day struggle.

Well, I've been rambling here long enough and I need to go get some protein in me! So far today, I've only had a little cottage cheese. Not good. Have a great day!